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How to Layout Your Boardroom

(Last Updated On: April 17, 2024)

The boardroom is one of the most significant areas for decision-making in the workplace. The boardroom was initially reserved for meetings with C-suite executives, business owners, executives and others but it has since evolved into a broader space that encourages collaboration and building culture. When you’re hosting an in person meeting or a video conference the design and layout of your boardroom are crucial to efficient deliberations and productive discussions that steer organizations toward success.

The most popular boardroom design has a large table surrounded by chairs on all sides. This ensures good visibility and encourages discussion. It also allows you to accommodate more than two dozen participants at once. This is an ideal format for presentations as it allows attendees to use their smartphones and take notes without blocking the screen.

A hollow square is also very popular. It has rectangular tables that have an area in the center to accommodate attendees. This layout is ideal for smaller groups. A facilitator can move between tables to assist and answer questions.

A chevron-style layout is similar to a classroom however, with tables and participants facing one another instead of towards the speaker. This is a great way to conduct workshops and training sessions. However, it reduces the direct interaction between trainers as well as participants.