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How to Secure Files With a Collaboration Tool

(Last Updated On: January 18, 2024)

As workplaces are transformed into digital workspaces collaboration tools are a crucial element of the equation. Digital collaboration without a solid cybersecurity system can increase the risk of cyber-attacks that could knock it off its feet.

Many employees aren’t aware of how to secure documents using a collaboration tool. This can create security holes that criminals could exploit. If employees share a dangerous file or ransomware to the other members of their team, this could accidentally infect more devices and propagate the threat.

It is crucial to give employees regular and comprehensive training to help them avoid these security threats. In addition to educating employees on the most secure methods for securing collaboration online businesses should also implement BYOD policies that contain clear guidelines for using collaborative tools. Additionally, companies should consider including security features for collaboration that are focused on the reduction of human error as the primary entry point for hackers.

Another crucial element to secure online collaboration is limiting access and authorization for sensitive documents. To achieve this, you should implement information governance workflows in the project you are working on with your collaboration software to make sure only authorized users access restricted data. You can also schedule regular assessments to detect privilege sprawl, as well as prune old data on an online collaboration platform.

Additionally, you can secure your files by using a robust encryption solution. Make sure that the collaboration tool offers an encryption level of 256 bits at the bank level and is so strong that it could take the most powerful computer in the world more than a billion years to decrypt a file.